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Planning Board Minutes 08/02/2006
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Town Hall Hearing Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  R. Dennis O’Connell, Barbara Gray, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard David Rowell; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator
Absent: Stephen Oliver,

Chairman Dennis O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Town Owned Land for Housing Development
O’Connell disclosed that he was an abutter to the Chequessett Neck Rd. property through the Conservation Trust. He did not recuse himself upon agreement of the Board, but he did assign chairmanship to Vice-Chair Gerald Parent.  On Tuesday, August 1, 2006, members of Planning Board had gone on site visits to the Chequessett Neck Rd., and off Delphi Path.  

The possibility of two lots seemed like the best plan for the land at Chequessett Neck Rd. and Freeman Ave (Map 14, Parcels 112 and 119).  Planning Board discussed access routes to abutting property on Grandview St.  Pickard said there should be a septic overlay to indicate placement in relationship to the ACEC.  Before PB makes a recommendation, they would like to see the septic plan.  The septic system could be designed for two housing units.  BOH concerns will probably govern what can be done on the property and should provide the septic overlay.  Freeman Ave. or Highland St. would be possible access roads for the property.  There should also be something in a Planning Board recommendation about the driveway/path that goes across the property now.

David Rowell had a suggestion for the triangle of property off Delphi Path.  He said that the wellhead that had been developed for Fred Bell Rd. could be relocated to Map 23 Parcels 90, 93, and 94.  Parent said that Map 23, Parcel 85’s septic is restricted and cannot be increased.  Rowell said that if water was provided to Parcel 85, this could be modified.  Parent said the water supply in the large triangle would be difficult to obtain because of the nature of the soil, the difficulty of access and the terrain.  Rowell said that his suggestions were simply hypothetical.  The only likely access into the triangle is from Benjamin Way, but that does not provide much of a road extension and is privately owned.   The message PB will send to the Housing Authority is about gaining access before proceeding.  

Parent said he’d still like to consider a bigger picture before making decisions about the Coles Neck Rd.  property (Map, 7, Parcel 24).  This is one of the last pieces along an existing Town water supply.  If the water supply is increased as anticipated, the Town could develop the land in some significant manner.  Oak Ridge Dr. is a private road that the Town has no rights to if the parcel were to be turned around in another direction.  Pickard said in the past roads became Town roads every so many years.  Parent said he was looking at possibilities for the entire Parcel 24’s large acreage.  He’d like to be sure that the property is ruled out for a sewerage treatment plant.  Once pieces of the whole lot are cut off, he said the possibilities are diminished.  O’Connell agreed that the smaller parcel should be kept with the 28 acres.  Parent said planning for this parcel becomes significant if the Town does not deal with the National Seashore for Affordable Housing within its bounds.  Senior Housing and mixed housing were other possibilities for the Coles Neck location.  Six individual homes is a low priority use of the land, according to O’Connell.  Parent said that the parcel was not in a position to be subdivided at all; the bigger picture was more important.  The availability for possible town water and the possibility of a sewerage system increase the number of future units, according to Parent.  Gray suggested getting a consultant to make recommendations for the land.  CPC money might be available for this.  Pickard asked if the old sandpit/brush dump was a property that the Housing Authority had considered. Summarizing their thinking, PB members said this parcel should not be carved up until further analysis of the possibilities for it has been done.  

Pickard returned to consideration of the Chequessett Neck property and asked about running pipes under the road.  Parent said any road may be used for this.

Fee Schedule
Rex Peterson had prepared a spreadsheet of a proposed fee schedule with increases of 75% to be assumed by the land owner.  Factoring in salaries as well, he had arrived at figures which O’Connell suggested rounding off.  Parent moved to accept figures of $275 for ANRs, $275 for Preliminary subdivisions, $300 for Definitive Subdivisions, $100 for Release of Covenant/Bond, $125 for Modifications/Rescissions/Changes of plans, $125 for Road Name Changes, $400 for Road Inspection, $100 per Lot Release, $250 for Site Review and $250 for Special Permits.  Pickard seconded the rounded out figures.  The motion carried 5-0.  PB will bring the figures to the Board of Selectmen.  

Ben Gitlow, who was the Planning Board representative to Charter Review Board, has resigned from the Board.  O’Connell moved that Gray become the new Charter Review Board representative.  Pickard seconded.  Gray agreed to be representative and was approved by the acclaim of the Board.  The Housing Authority also needs a representative.  Pickard had some suggestions about how Housing Authority should function, but he was not volunteering at this time to be representative.  

Section 6.1.5
O’Connell had done further research on ZBA files for 6.1.5, and on non-conformity and presented his study to the Board.  He said there ought to be a finding for each of the issues for what makes a property non-conforming.  O’Connell discussed abutter reactions, no comments from abutters, Building Inspector denials as the trigger for a ZBA appeal, and overt references to Zoning Bylaws in the findings.  He wanted Planning Board members to look over the material he had researched on cases so far this year and said he’d like to spend more time considering non-conformity issues before meeting with the ZBA.

Minutes of 7/19/06
Gray moved to approve the minutes of July 19, 2006.  Parent seconded.  The motion carried. 4-0-1.

Peterson explained a letter he wrote July 20, 2006, in response to a request from Jacky Trought of Covenant on the Rock Ministries, International who wants to build a radio tower on Town property in Wellfleet-by-the-Sea.  Lauren McKean of the National Seashore wanted to see further design specifications, he said.   

Other Business
O’Connell reported briefly on the Non-Residents’ Taxpayers Annual meeting.  Their suggestion for sidewalk improvements, he said, was the strongest idea advanced at that meeting.  PB members discussed the extent of the work that would be needed.

Future uses for 335 Main Street were discussed by the Board.

A potential new member for Planning Board will be interviewed by the Board of Selectmen on Tuesday night, August 8, 2006.  No other applications have been submitted.

Parent moved that the chairman be authorized to sign a covenant for a property that was to have come before the Board. Rowell seconded.  The motion carried 5-0.

Parent moved to adjourn, O’Connell seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman
